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分类: 国内海运集装箱 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2013年11月29日

国内物流配送及仓储Domestic Distribution Transport and Warehousing
◆ 依托公司良好的品牌信誉和雄厚的资金实力,为广大客户提供快速直达货运
我公司具有中国民航总局批准的一级国际航空运输代理资格,并与大韩、韩亚、港龙、东航等航空公司签定运输代理协议。公司本着以快捷、安全、优惠的宗旨,为客户提供出口订舱、制单、报关、报验,以及提供进口空运货物的制单一关三检,送货上门,国内海、陆、空转运等服务,并为客户代理缴纳关税,提供货物查询及咨询服务。Through more than twenty years’ endeavor and expansion, it successfully established the logistics network for clothes and accessories of internationally famous brands throughout the country. From the beginning up to present, it always supplies support to many internationally famous retail brands in respect of high quality logistics service and settlement of the payment, etc.
In order to meet the requirement of market development and provide more perfect service to existing and prospective customers, Shanghai Tianwan International Logistics Co., Ltd was founded in Qingcun Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai in September, 2005. With the support of local government, it began to establish the logistics park with the scale of 61 mu in Qingcun Town in November, 2005 to serve as storage and logistics distribution center for commodities for which we act as procurator. The logistics park equipped with modern facilities and security system started to operate in May, 2006. At present, its employees, most of whom are local people, exceed 200. It also arranges some physically disabled persons to take up related occupations, positively assists the government and shoulder partial social responsibilities. In addition to door-to-door one-stop professional logistics service, it could also design a series of solutions such as settlement of payment, application for inspection of commodities and consultation for specifications of the products, etc for individal customers with demands. We try our best to supply comprehensive support to customers in respect of their operation of businesses in China.
Currently, Shanghai Tianwan International Logistics Co., Ltd is the logistics supplier in China for many well-known international brands. We look forward to your participation.




定舱热线:137 111 27975 QQ:1250528657 隐私保护 版权所有 广州中海运来国际货运代理有限公司