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CSF / CFS Baltimore

分类: 国际海运 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2013年1月9日

为配合各进口商或出口商之业务需求, 我们提供保安严密、 设备完善、服务到位之仓库服务, 配合仓库之现代化处理模式为客户提供精确的货物分发服务。仓库遍布深圳东西码头、珠江三角洲地区等, 包括盐田港、蛇口港、东莞、中山、广州等。中国拥有庞大的生产及发展潜力,各国纷纷投资在这个经济迅速发展的国家,不同客户都要安排货物进出口中国大陆,而你必须选择一家有实力的、 可靠的、 忠诚的专业货运合作伙伴, 全合浩洋公司就是你的选择。shipment, we at Sun Cargo is definitely the choice to fulfill your overseas shipping needs, with our multiple sailings weekly where covered various locations globally. Our Ocean Division renders different types of logistical modules in linkage with our 2nd leg intermodal transports either by Road and Air or even down to normal Port to Port services. From single shipment to multiple destination deliveries, our professional colleagues will be your "One Stop Shop" to assure service level in satisfactory standard, ultimately fulfill your shipping demands within reachable realm.

定舱热线:137 111 27975 QQ:1250528657 隐私保护 版权所有 广州中海运来国际货运代理有限公司