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分类: 广州拼箱公司 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2012年10月18日

并总结出了一整套完整的操作规程,使客户能享受到快捷、方便、周到、安全、专业、规范的服务。在翘运看来,一票普货业务可以分成五个阶段三个节点, 五个阶段即为:联系备货阶段、订舱操作阶段、海上运输阶段、到港操作阶段、交货完成阶段;三个节点是:单证交接时点,货物出运交接时点,货物到达交接时点。 翘运在这些阶段和节点均有严格的操作要求,采用分航线、分客户、分代理的方法,将操作细节落实到人、落实到单、落实到位。翘运不仅做好了中国段的服务, 更将服务的触角延伸到海外,使得翘运的服务更体现国际化的水准。

Our services include: Airfreight; Seafreight; Sea/Air Solutions; GOH Solutions; Freight Management; Buyer's Consolidation; Customs Clearance; Trucking; Warehousing; PO Management; Track & Trace.

We are a young and progressive company and can offer an excellent career service in an international freight forwarding. Due to quick business and development and expansion and to meet the requirements of our daily operation, we are looking for to seek more overseas partner to cooperation with us.

Competitive Advantage
As an Asian-based total logistics service provider with rich experience, Casia has broadened its expertise from Greater China and South-East Asia into the United States, Europe and Australia.




定舱热线:137 111 27975 QQ:1250528657 隐私保护 版权所有 广州中海运来国际货运代理有限公司