« Newcastle, UK进出口报关普拉托海运提单、及进口清关、提货、陆路 »


分类: 国内海运集装箱 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2014年10月14日

● CONTAINER SERVICE--- We are the booking agency of MSC, CMA, COSCO, HANJIN, HPL, OOCL, CSCL, SENATOR, RCL, EVERGREEN, YANGMING, and cooperate with AIR CHINA, KOREAN AIRLINE, JAL, ANA, SAL, for air shipment, which means we can always offer the most competitive rate and multiful services according to your requirement. ● BULK SERVICE--- We have gained good reputation for offering the competitive and reasonable prices and satisfactory service. Furthermore, we have established good and friendly relationship with many shipping companies and IMP. & EXP. Companies domestically and abroad. We have established good relationship with the Custom, Port Authority, etc. We sincerely hope and ready to cooperate with your good company in the near future.We will provide you a satisfactory vessel/cargo service according to your requirements through our wide business channels. We deeply believe that our company will be your best cooperated party and awaiting our first-time smooth cooperation!我公司可操作COSCO、MSC、CSAV、MAERSK、OOCL、CSCL、PIL、CMA等多家船公司的订舱业务,可提供至近洋、印巴航线、中东、南美、北美、南非、西非、欧洲、黑海及东南亚等航线极具竞争力的运价及船期。我公司从定舱到报关、国内运输、装箱、打拖包装、熏蒸等等都会为您提供最专业服务。 B.天津口岸的进口 我公司可以为客户提供进口清关服务。进口报关、商检、代理验货、国内运输、代理仓储。凭借丰富的专业知识以及坚持不懈的奋斗精神,为您的货物把好每一关。操作过的进口货物涉及到食品、医疗产品、设备、车辆、植物产品、饲料类、矿产品、化妆品、化工品及方方面面的产品。 C. 天津和北京空港进出口货物 我们现在已经和多家航空公司签署协议,争取到了在天津市场上极具竞争力的价格,凭借着多年和各航空公司良好的关系,我们可以第一时间争取到舱位,并连接最快的二程航班。我们的优势航线:日本、韩国、东南亚、欧洲、北美、南美等。




定舱热线:137 111 27975 QQ:1250528657 隐私保护 版权所有 广州中海运来国际货运代理有限公司