« 颗粒海运代理包裹运输 »

cargo Europe

分类: 广州拼箱出口 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2015年11月26日

实际重量(Gross Weight)与体积重量(Volume Weight)比较取大者作为计费重量(货物计费重量以机场过磅为准)。
体积重量的计算:体积重量=长(cm)X宽(cm)X高(cm)/6000provides port to port, as well as door-to-door shipping services to customers around the globe, whether they’re in China, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Africa, Australia and New Zealand, India and Pakistan, Middle East, the Red Sea, Southeast Asia, Central, South America, or elsewhere. The Company can provide its customers with one-stop integrated logistics services, backed by its close working relationship with reputable shipping companies. On-line real-time tracking system (www.united-ocean.com.cn) is available for instant information transmission and inquiries, which aims at upgrading service, cutting down logistics costs, and assisting the customers to win in a highly competitive market.




定舱热线:137 111 27975 QQ:1250528657 隐私保护 版权所有 广州中海运来国际货运代理有限公司